

Judgment Upon The Whole Earth

Judgment Upon The Whole Earth

Our reading this week takes us into the Isaiah 24 - 32. At the end of the section where God announces specific judgments upon specific nations (Isa. 13 - 23), Isaiah writes of a universal judgment of God. Much of the language here is of universal extent. Yet in the midst of it there is the continuing of God's people. It both describes cataclysmic destruction AND the restoration of God's people in their land. It speaks of the desolation of the nations and also of their coming to the mountain of the Lord to worship Him. While speaking in 'end of the world language' He yet speaks of punishing Judah by the coming of foreign armies against them.

In many ways this section doesn't read the same as the descriptions of the judgment and end of the world described in the New Testament. The language of judgment though is often given in hyperbole of situations that MEN would relate to. Scholars thus wrangle trying to determine if this is the end of the world judgment or a general hyperbolic description of God's rule over all the nations.

In another sense it doesn't really matter for the lessons that we need to learn. First, God is God not just over Judah but over all creation. God not only rules in the kingdoms of men (Dan. 4:32), but God rules over all the universe. He created the world, He sustains the world, He will judge the world in righteousness. Whether we live to see the 2nd coming of the Lord or not, we must recognize God as God.

Involved in these judgments is the very core of the nature and character of God. God is eternal. God is omnipotent and able to create and destroy. God is omniscient and thus KNOWS what people have done (thus any judgment He makes will be according to truth). God is righteous and thus will condemn unrighteousness in whatever form and in whatever people. God is faithful and will do what He has promised.

God expects humans to be 'godly' humans. Much of the specifics of the covenant of the Old Testament were not enjoined on the nations, but God consistently condemns the inhumanity that humanity often stooped to. Justice, righteousness, kindness, truthfulness, faithfulness - all of these are expected of ALL peoples.  Being God's people elevates the bar of expectation. We KNOW God and we will be held accountable for living in harmony with such knowledge.

Nations come and go but God is eternal. Men make laws and change them to suit their own desires but God's righteousness is eternal. At times evil may triumph in various lands but in the end God will bring everything to the bar of judgment. As God's people our citizenship is in heaven (Phil. 3 ). As God's people our standard of conduct is the Word of God and not the decrees of men. As God's people we will be out of step with the world but we will walk in fellowship with God. Let us lift our eyes from the temporary and mundane and gaze upon the eternal God who has saved us and called us unto holiness.