


Short version of Sunday night's sermon on Habakkuk. Check out the ppt for maps and other background info (in the notes section of the powerpoint).



Habakkuk is a strange and wonderful book. Unlike most of the prophets this one speaks not to the people but is a conversation between the prophet and God. It shows how a godly man struggles in his head during difficult times. Even the prophets asked 'why'.

First question (1:1-4): Why doesn't God do something about the evil in Judah? The country was filled with violence, strife and contention. Yet God does nothing. WHY?

God's answer (1:5-11): I have prepared Babylon to be my tool for correction, chastisement, and punishment. I will bring them to deal with the evil of Judah.

Second question (1:12 - 2:1): How can you do THAT? How can you use a country that is even MORE evil than us to punish US?  Their god is their power. To use them seems to go against the very character of God. He is eternal, holy, pure, and cannot look at evil. Yet, He will use Babylon.

God's Answer (2:2-5): Trust me. Wow. IF it seems slow - wait for it. If it seems unjust - 'live by your FAITH'. The just will live by his faith. Does God need to explain his actions to man? If you believe that God is holy, pure, and just then walk before him in holiness, purity, and righteousness. The world may 'fall apart around you', but you live by trusting God.

God then does explain that AFTER Babylon is used to punish the evil of Judah, then God will also punish the evil of Babylon (2:6-20). God lists a series of 'woes' that outline the fact that He thoroughly knows the evil being done by the Babylonians. He is the God over all the earth and all the nations.

Habakkuk responds with a prayer of praise and glory unto God (3:1-16). He remembers the history of God's dealings. He remembers the many times that God has punished evil. He acknowledges not only his faith but his fear (2,16) of the anger of God against evil. Yet, while it is fearful to think of God's wrath against evil, the righteous will rejoice in the Lord (3:17-19).

  • God is pure, holy, just, and will punish those who do evil.
  • God is God over all - over all nations, kings, and peoples.
  • The wrath of God is a fearful thing to experience.
  • Men often will not understand the how, why, and when of God's actions.
  • God's ways and times are NOT man's ways and times. Wait on the LORD.
  • Those who will be right with God must TRUST God - walking by their faith.