

Great is the mystery of godliness - 1 Timothy 3:16

Great is the mystery of godliness - 1 Timothy 3:16


By common confession, great is the mystery of godliness:

He who was revealed in the flesh,

Was vindicated in the Spirit,

Seen by angels,

Proclaimed among the nations,

Believed on in the world,

Taken up in glory.

1 Tim. 3:16


He who was revealed (God was manifest in the flesh)..  What was the common confession among the early believers?


Revealed in the flesh:

John 1:14 -  the Word became flesh!  This concept is an oft affirmed one throughout the writings of the New Testament: Heb. 2:14-17; Gal. 4:4; 1John 4:2-3; 2John 1:7; Romans 8:3; Phil. 2:7-8; and Rom. 1:3.

Vindicated in the Spirit. 

“who was declared the Son of God with power by the resurrection from the dead, according to the Spirit of holiness, Jesus Christ our Lord, Romans 1:4


Seen by angels


Angels CAN mean angelic beings…  and hence heaven itself provides witnesses concerning the resurrection of Jesus. As the angel declared: “Why seek the living among the dead, Behold He is risen”.


“Angels” can also refer to messengers (cp.     ). As such, the witnesses of the resurrection is centered in those who saw, heard, touched, and ate with Jesus after His resurrection. Such was NOT just a ‘vision’ or ‘dream’, but an actual experience. See further by reading 1 John 1:1-4; 1 Cor. 15:1-   ; Acts 1:   ; etc.


Proclaimed among the nations


Such witnesses were commissioned to preach this gospel unto ALL CREATURES (Mk. 16:15). They were to make disciples from every nation (Matt. 28:18). The message of these witnesses was the simple, straightforward proclamation that Jesus is raised from the dead!


Believed on in the World


The story of Acts is the story of how men responded to this proclamation! It is true that many rejected the gospel, but is is also true that many received the word and put their trust in Jesus as their savior. This body of believers continues to be a great witness to the resurrection.


Taken up into Glory


The suffering of death on the cross was not the end, but the prelude to the glorification of Jesus. "Was it not necessary for the Christ to suffer these things and to enter into His glory?" Luke 24:26


We serve a risen savior! He sits in glory at the Right Hand of God in heaven (Rom. 8:34). He was dead, but now lives forever to make intercession for those who put their trust in Him. He is coming in glory. Are you ready? 


Hugh DeLong