

She Has Done What She Could - Mark 14:8

She Has Done What She Could - Mark 14:8

There is much here that we do NOT know: did she understand about the death, burial and resurrection to come? Did she know that He was the Messiah, the son of God? Did she even understand what she was doing when she anointed Jesus with this costly perfume? How did she come into possession of such a treasure? What happened to her after this? Who was she?

Yet, we know that Jesus said of her: “She has done what she could”. There was much she could not do, but she saw an opportunity, had the resources, and responded in action. Ability + opportunity = responsibility.

A few quick thoughts come to mind as I think on this simple statement:

· We are not all of the same ability and opportunities.

· Others WILL criticize and think we should have made different decisions.

· GOD is the one we must seek to please.

· We need to be generous in our judgments of others.

· We need to be observant to the opportunities to do good.

Can Jesus say of us: “they have done what they could”? 


Hugh DeLong