

Keeping Our Feet In The Book - Acts 13

Keeping Our Feet In The Book - Acts 13

God did it? While reading of such acts of God as in Acts 13, many assume God is acting in THEIR lives the same way as He did in Acts. Some even claim to be ‘God’s anointed’ and thus ‘their word’ is declared to be final and authoritative (just like the apostles’).

Men with lesser arrogance, interpret events in their lives as providence of God and then try to ‘interpret’ such as a ‘word from the LORD’. Their lives are tossed to and fro by changing circumstances and events.

Such is not to deny that God provides for us or that God doesn’t act in response to our prayers and needs. Rather, it is just that without an actual revelation from God, it is not possible to proclaim with certainty that such was a direct act of God.

God DOES allow for the free-will acts of men – both good and bad. God does allow us to be tempted by our own lusts and desires (James 1:14). [That great job offer, was it providence of God or temptation of Satan?] Many things happen as a consequence of our own choices and actions, others by the choices of others and even nature. What was the specific cause behind the event?

In taking all things into account, we must also include the ‘bad’ things in the lives of God’s people! James was martyred, as was Stephen. Herod was put to death. Paul suffered greatly (read again his recounting in 2 Cor. 11). Most, if not all, of the apostles died at the hands of men. It is easy to cherry-pick the good things and just ignore the bad and difficult events and circumstances. God is in control over BOTH the good and the difficult.

So, what was the cause of all these things? God? Satan? Evil men? Natural events? Without a revelation from God we can only make guesses (and often they are NOT ‘educated guesses’). We end up like Job and his friends arguing that ‘THIS’ is why these things happen. They were wrong! What can we do?

Keep your feet in the book! We may be wrong in our attempt to ascertain the specific CAUSE behind various events in our lives, but we can KNOW how we are to respond to such and how we are to conduct ourselves before God! Whether that tremendous job offer and greatly increased paycheck is providence or temptation, the principles of how I am to use my money has been revealed. The specifics of how much to give at any certain point in my life may be hidden, but the fact of the responsibility to be willing to share and give is a commandment of God (cp. 1 Tim. 6). Which girl to marry may be a difficult choice, but the principles of how to treat my wife with love, care, kindness, and thoughtfulness have been commanded of God (read again Eph. 5:27f, 1 Peter 3).

Are your feet firmly planted in the book? Are you living by the principles of the word of God? Will you continue to obey God regardless of the situation in your life? Trust and obey, for there is no other way to be happy in Jesus! True. Is that your way of life?

Hugh DeLong