

The Way of Faith Hebrews 11

The Way of Faith Hebrews 11

If you haven’t noticed before, make a note of how many times the writer mentions ‘by faith’. In commenting on this chapter, it is often pointed out that such ‘faith’ relates to various acts of obedience. Such faith is also connected with character, attitudes, and desires. Here are a few thoughts from our reading Hebrews 11.

Reverence (7). ‘In reverence, Noah prepared an ark.’ Faith that results in one being right with God is more than mental assent to a fact, even the fact of the resurrection of Jesus. It involves one’s whole attitude toward God. Reverence is not only ‘fear’ (a healthy respect for) but also awe, humility, and respect. It is to recognize that God is God and I am not! It is to result in a life that centers on God – godliness.

Looking for (10) and Seeking (14).  While traveling about in this world, Abraham was actually looking for and seeking an eternal city, a city where he could dwell with God. This faith also produces and accompanies a strong desire to be with God. Home is where the heart is, and the heart of the believer is firmly fixed on the presence of God. To see God, to live in the very presence of our creator, this is what the faithful heart desires. It looks beyond whatever glory that this world holds and desires to see Him who could create and sustain all of this.

REFUSE (24). The journey of faith will be littered with many possible detours, all of which must be rejected. Such side roads simply lead the faithful away from God. Worldliness, the cares of this world, the praises of men, etc., they all lead away from God. This hits at the very heart of our purpose in life. God has set before us the way of life and death and admonishes us: “Choose life” (cp. Deut. 30:19). Thus, one will constantly have to make choices.

CHOOSING (25). Every step in our life involves choices. What to wear, what to eat, do I kill my neighbor. Often times the choices will be difficult. Obviously, not all choices are of equal consequences, but even small choices can add up to major consequences of faith. In fact, the sum of these small choices actually shows us where our heart really lies!

CONSIDERING (26). In refusing and choosing, one must stop and consider! Consider what the real choice is, consider what the real result will be, consider that this shows our actual character. Do NOT just react, but THINK, consider, ponder your decision for your eternity depends upon it.

The way of faith is the way of singleness of heart. It will face many tests that will be difficult, but doable! In the end, it is THE way, the ONLY way. All of the struggles and problems will melt into nothingness as our desires are realized and we stand in the presence of God. Where is your faith leading you?   

Hugh DeLong