

The Death of Moses Deut. 34

The Death of Moses Deut. 34

 "And he died..." Such is the appointed earthly end for men, but then they must face the creator.

It has been instructive to read the life of Moses.

His birth in times of trouble and God's protection.

God's providence in his great education both in the things of Egypt but also of his heritage learned from his mother.

His choice to serve God rather than enjoy comfort of Egypt (Heb. 11:25).

His sojourn in the wilderness as a preparation for leading Israel out of Egypt.

His being called at the burning bush and his reluctance to be the man of God for the job.

His NOT having his child circumcised and God's strong reaction.

The many great signs that God did through him to bring the deliverance of Israel.

His unique communication, 'face to face' with God and the glory of his face afterward.

His intercession and pleading for Israel when they sinned in making the golden calf.

His struggles as the people rebelled and grumbled against HIM - all of Israel for bringing them 'out here to die', Korah's rebellion, and even Aaron and Miriam.

His writing of these events and the covenant of God.

His own disobedience in striking the rock that kept him out of the promised land.

His great speeches here in Deuteronomy at the end of his life.

 Now, here in ch. 34, Moses is 120 years old. God lets Moses see all of the land that God would give according to His great promise unto Abraham. Then: "So Moses the servant of the Lord died there in the land of Moab, according to the word of the Lord." (Deut. 34:5)

That's it? He died? No pomp or ceremony? And then: "And He buried him in the valley in the land of Moab, opposite Beth-peor; but no man knows his burial place to this day." (vs. 6). No memorial service? No grand eulogies? No great tomb or headstone? No monument for all that he had done?

 Earthly monuments and memorials pale in comparison with God's simple statement: "Now Moses was faithful in all His house as a servant" (Heb. 3:5).  During the Old Testament era, it could be said: "Since that time no prophet has risen in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face" (34:10), yet greater than Moses HAS come: Jesus.  Today God says of Jesus: "This is my beloved Son, Hear ye HIM." Are you listening? 

Hugh DeLong