

Where Is Wisdom To Be Found - Job 28

Where Is Wisdom To Be Found - Job 28

We have watched Job and his friends try to figure out why Job has encountered all of this trouble. "You are wicked and God is punishing you," say the friends. "I am not wicked and God has made a mistake," says Job. After all the speeches, with all their affirmations of knowledge gathered from the ancients, they simply do not know.

Job states that man has been able to figure out and mine gold and precious gems. With such knowledge mankind has shown himself above the animals. Job concludes: "But where shall wisdom be found?" (vs. 12, 20). He continues: "Man does not know its worth, and it is not found in the land of the living" (vs. 13). Even though it is more precious than gold or pearls, it cannot be purchased.

God understands it and knows it place. God used wisdom in the creation of the world (cp. 24-27, Prov.  8:22-31). This whole episode in Job's life has taught him that wisdom lies with God. "Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to turn away from evil is understanding" (vs. 28).

When things are going well and life is easy, fear God and turn away from evil. When life comes apart at the seams, fear God and turn away from evil. When you are at a complete loss as to what is going on with your life, fear God and turn away from evil. When your friends and family seemingly turn against you, fear God and turn away from evil. In all of your pondering about life and questions of 'why", fear God and turn away from evil.

Hugh DeLong