

A Better Rest Awaits Us – Hebrews 4

A Better Rest Awaits Us – Hebrews 4

Continuing our comparison of the provisions of the Old Covenant given by Moses and the New Covenant of Jesus, we look at the rest that is promised to the faithful. The presentation in chapter four requires a knowledge of the timeline of the Old Testament story. In chronological order we see: 

1) God rested from all His works (vs. 4).

2) God gave Israel the Sabbath rest.

3) Joshua brought them into the promised land of rest (cp. Vs. 8).

4) David, many years later, yet spoke of the COMING rest (vs. 7).

This promised rest is then NOT the Sabbath day, for having the Sabbath David yet spoke of another rest to come. Likewise, this rest was not the land conquered by Israel under the leadership of Joshua, for David 'so long afterward' spoke of the coming rest. "So then, there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God" (vs. 9).

We who believe are entering that rest (vs. 3). We are to then 'strive to enter that rest' (vs. 11). Sadly, some will be like Israel of Old and will fail to enter. God has abundantly provided that we can enter that rest and rest from all our labors. Some though will become hardened by the deceitfulness of sin (3:13). Some today will fail to enter 'by the same sort of disobedience' as Israel of old (4:11). 

Brethren, let us be faithful unto death that we might receive the promised crown of life (Rev. 2:10).  

Hugh DeLong