

Receive the Kingdom as a Child - Mark 10

Receive the Kingdom as a Child - Mark 10

We see a loving compassionate side of Jesus here in Mark 10 as he is blessing the children that were being brought to Him.

Concerning this, Bob Utley in his commentary on Mark, wrote: “The parents continually brought their children to Him for the traditional rabbinical blessing. This has nothing to do with the salvation of these children. They were already considered a part of Israel by means of circumcision and were waiting for their transition to full covenant adulthood at twelve years of age for girls and thirteen years of age for boys.”

If such wasn’t about children being saved, what was the point? Hendriksen wrote: “Receiving the kingdom of God as a little child means to accept it with genuine trustful simplicity, with unassuming humility.

But the very context and also such near-parallels as Matt. 11:25; 18:3 (cf. John 3:3, 5) clearly show that Jesus is talking about the simple, humble, unquestioning, trustful manner in which a child accepts what is offered to him.”

I believe that the above two points are valid. Which leaves us with the question of how people receive the kingdom as children. It requires that one be completely trusting and humble. Jesus is the king – I will do whatever He instructs. He is the Lord – I am His slave.

Is that your attitude towards Jesus?   

Hugh DeLong

Bob Utley, The Gospel According to Peter: Mark and I & II Peter, LOGOS edition.

Hendriksen, New Testament Commentary: Mark, LOGOS edition