

When You Come Together

When You Come Together

In discussing the Lord's Supper, Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 11: 

          When you come together - 17

          When you come together as a church - 18

          When you come together - 20

          When you come together - 33

          When you come together - 34

They came together to eat the Lord's Supper. In so doing, they made a public statement about their faith in Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God.

They remember that He died.

They remembered that He died for their sins.

They remembered that He was raised.

They proclaimed their faith that He was their Lord.

They proclaimed their faith that He was coming again.

With His death, He provides for the forgiveness of our sins through His blood. With His resurrection, He provides for confidence as He now lives forever to make intercession for us. With His coming again, He provides for our eternal living in His presence - "and so we shall ever be with the Lord" (1Thess. 4:17). He is our past, our present, and our future.

Where will you be when the saints come together?    

Hugh DeLong