

Rejoice with me - Luke 15

Rejoice with me - Luke 15

This chapter records 3 stories about ‘lost things’: the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son. In the first two, upon finding the lost item, they called their friends together to rejoice with them concerning such. We are not told specifically that such was the case with the lost son, but there was a party thrown in celebration and joy at his homecoming – except for the older brother.

One of the things about Jesus’ parables is that they make the hearers THINK and come to a conclusion of the lesson. We were created to live in the presence of God, but sin separates us from such an existence. But we who were lost could be FOUND! THEN there is rejoicing in heaven and among God’s people!

In a world of so much bad news and trouble, don’t let it dampen your joy at the good things that are also going on around us. People ARE returning to the Lord. Lost people ARE being saved. With such let us rejoice in the Lord. “Rejoice in the Lord always. And again I say, REJOICE.” (Phil. 4:4)

Hugh DeLong