

The Unjust Steward - Luke 16

The Unjust Steward - Luke 16

To most bible students this parable of the ‘unjust steward’ is difficult. We are so accustomed to trying to ‘identify’ each part of a parable to a spiritual reality (i.e. ‘this’ represents God, ‘this’ represents …, etc.). Yet, within the telling of this parable, Jesus calls the manager/steward ‘unrighteous’ (vs. 8). It is, accordingly then a contrast of the wisdom of the ‘sons of this age’ (having a worldly perspective) and the ‘sons of light’ (having an eternal perspective).

I prefer to simply allow this parable to show wisdom in making future plans. That is what this unrighteous manager did, only he didn’t look all that far ahead! He contemplated that he would need to have made connections so that in the near future, when he had been fired for his mismanagement of his present responsibilities, he would yet have somewhere to turn for help.

Two problems face us with this. First, what kind of people has he made connections with by his actions? Would they be willing to put a lot of trust in how he would manage their stuff? Second, what will he answer God for such unrighteous dealings?

YET, what Jesus commended was not the unrighteous acts, but the simple fact that even such a worldly person has enough foresight to plan for the future. Application to me? I need to be wise in my stewardship of God’s gifts so that when judgment comes I will be approved. Am I as shrewd in my dealings with God and eternity as this unrighteous managed was to his worldly master?

Hugh DeLong