

Jesus Begins - Mark 1

Jesus Begins - Mark 1

Mark is a book of action, lots of action. Notice all that is recorded in chapter one of Mark:

·      John the Baptist's preaching (1-8).

·      Jesus’ baptism and temptation (9-13).

·      Jesus’ preaching throughout Galilee (14-15, 38-39).

·      Jesus calling his disciples - (16-20).

·      Jesus teaching in the synagogue - (21-22).

·      He casts out demons (22-28, 32, 34)

·      He heals Peter’s mother-in-law (30-31), a leper (40-45), and many other sick people (32-34).

·      In the midst of all this activity He continues to find time alone to pray to His father (35-38). 

He teaches with authority. He casts out demons by authority. He has power to heal the sick by the power of His word. He calls men to give up everything and follow him - and they do. YET He Himself is obedient in all things unto His Father.

"Although he was a son, he learned obedience through what he suffered. And being made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him” (Hebrews 5:8–9).

Today many of us are beginning to read through the whole New Testament in one year. We will read a chapter a day Monday through Friday. That leaves Saturday and Sunday to 1) reread and think about the weeks reading 2) catch up on any days reading we missed 3) ?  Since January 1st is on a Thursday, we will begin with Mark chapters 1 and 2 this week. Monday (Jan. 5th) we begin the weekly reading of Mark 3 – 7. We invite you to join us in this reading through the New Testament.  Hugh DeLong