All Spiritual Blessing In Christ - Ephesians 1
All Spiritual Blessing In Christ - Ephesians 1
Today we begin our reading of the letter to the Ephesians. This was another first century church that was made up of both Jewish and Gentile believers. The long animosity between these two groups is now to be laid aside by these believers. The law of Moses and all its markers (circumcision, special days, etc.) no longer mark those who are accepted with God. NOW it depends upon their relationship with Jesus.
Thus, Paul writes: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ” (Ephesians 1:3).
Jesus is Lord of All, both Jews and Gentiles. God has declared that all spiritual blessings are given to those (all those and only those) IN Christ. Note that it is ‘in Christ’ (4), ‘through Jesus Christ (5), ‘in the beloved’ (6), ‘in Him’ (7), ‘in Him’ (9), in Christ (10), ‘in Christ (11), and ‘in Him’ (13). Whether Jew or Greek, male or female, bond or free, all spiritual blessings are to be enjoyed only in Christ.
Paul then enumerates such blessings. This is NOT an exhaustive list, but it is an impressive one! In Christ we are the chosen ones, holy, blameless, adopted as sons, find grace, are redeemed and forgiven. In Jesus God revealed His wisdom and purposes. In Jesus all things are summed up. Through Him we have obtained an inheritance and have been sealed.
In Christ? Such relationship is entered into. It happens after one believes (vs. 13). It involves one repenting of his sins, for God desires and commands all men everywhere to repent (2Pet. 3:9, Acts 17:30). With the mouth, confession that Jesus Is Lord is ‘unto salvation’ (Rom. 10:9-10). Believers are then baptized ‘INTO’ Christ (Rom. 6:3-4).
Are you ‘IN Christ’?
Hugh DeLong