

Isaiah Speaks Of Jesus

Isaiah Speaks Of Jesus

"Isaiah said these things because he saw his glory and spoke of him" (John 12:41). The first 11 chapters of Isaiah include some of the loftiest prophecies of the Messiah in all of the Bible.

Isaiah wrote in chapter 2 that "in the latter days the house of the LORD would be established. We are the house of God. We are in the last days. The church has been established and all nations are flowing into it. His law has gone forth from Jerusalem and now in HIM we have peace. Come, let us walk in the ways of the LORD.

From chapter 7:14 we have learned that a virgin has conceived and his name is Immanuel. Although there has been much controversy among language scholars, the understanding of the NewTestament is clear. The child is Jesus. He was born to Mary before she had ever 'known a man' (Matt. 1:18; Luke 1:34). He is the child of the virgin. Matthew writes concerning the events of the birth of Jesus: "All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet: “Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel” (which means, God with us)" (1:22-23).

From Isa. 9:1-6 we know that after the judgment upon Judah by Babylon has come a better day. The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light (read  Matt. 4:15-16  and Luke 1:78). We are now walking in the light of the LORD. Unto us a Child is born and his name is called "… Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace" (vs. 6). He is no ordinary man. He has been given a name above all names (Phil. 2:10-11). These names describe his very being and character. This is Jesus our Savior.

Isa. 11:  speaks of Jesus as the root of Jesse whom the spirit shall rested upon. His delight was in the LORD, he judged in righteousness and truth (John 5:30) . In Him there is peace (John 16:33; Eph. 2:   ).  While Isaiah pictured such peace by writing that the wolf would dwell with the lam and the leopard would lie down with the goat, etc., the New Testament shows such as peace with God and fellowship of God's people in the church.  This is summarized in vs. 9 saying "they shall not hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain…". 

Jesus is the promised Messiah. He plainly taught his disciples about such things after the resurrection. We read that "… beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself" (Luke 24:27).  "Then he said to them, “These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.”  Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures,  and said to them, “Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead,  and that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem" (Luke 24:44-47).

This Jesus is both LORD and CHRIST (Acts 2:36). He has fulfilled the promise of the prophets and now offers unto all forgiveness and salvation from sins. Let us gladly put aside our old ways and follow him faithfully.