

Cyrus and The LORD

Cyrus and The LORD

Isaiah lived and wrote in the late 700's. In his day Assyria was the leading world power. Babylon was a city state that was a pain to the Assyrians because the Babylonian leaders had visions of grandeur. They kept rebelling in hopes of becoming their own kingdom. Further to the east lay the area known as Media and Persia.

In chapters 44 -45 God speaks of raising up Cyrus. You have to come down to the mid-500's to discover who Cyrus is. At the time of Isaiah's writing not only was Babylon NOT a major kingdom, neither was the Media/Persian empire. Cyrus' great grandfather was not born. His mother wasn't born. YET, God called him by name.

Several observations should jump off the page of your Bible as you read these chapters. First, God describes himself in great terms. He is the LORD and there is no other (45:5). He is the LORD and there is no other (45:5,6). He is the one who created light and darkness (45:7). He also rules in the affairs of men creating well-being and calamity (45:7).

Second He is the LORD with unsearchable knowledge, even knowledge of the future. He correctly identifies the very name of the ruler that would come to a far country 150+ years in the future.

Third, He uses such men as Cyrus for HIS own purpose. He does so even though some like Cyrus do not know Him (45:4,5). Someone stated that you will be used to accomplish the purposes of God. If you worship and serve Him you will be used AND will be blessed. If you rebel and deny him, you will be used but condemned in the end. Cyrus was used even though he did not recognize or know the LORD.

Fourth, God thus rules in the kingdoms of men in order to accomplish His will. He used Assyria to punish Israel for their unfaithfulness. He then used Babylon to punish Judah for their unfaithfulness. He THEN foretells and uses Cyrus as His instrument to restore Judah to their land AND to punish Babylon for their ungodliness and inhumanity.

Fifth, God yet allows the will of man to function. These rulers were not 'puppets on a string' that had no say in their actions. They also were not free from accountability unto the LORD for their actions.

We serve an awesome God. We must choose how we live.