

Fall of Babylon

Fall of Babylon

History of Babylon the great city.

The founding of the city is mentioned clear back in Gen. 10:10 and said to be by Nimrud. The great king Hammurabi was king of Babylon (ca. 1750 B.C.). The city fell to the Hittites around 1600 B.C. Nebuchadnezzar I restored the city to power and prestige in around 1120B.C. Then the Assyrians ruled over them from the 700's until the war of independence in the late 600's.

The city itself was built with a massive double wall surrounding the city. They have excavated and found an inner wall that was 21 feet thick. There was also an outer wall that was separated from the inner wall by a 23 foot wide military road. This outer wall was more than 12 feet thick. At strategic intervals that were spaced about 65 feet apart were massive fortified towers. Outside this wall was a moat which is said to have reached a width of more than 200 feet in places.  In reading the various articles one is left stunned trying to imagine the foreboding structure of this great city.

Inside the city at various times were housed the famous hanging gardens, some 30 temples to the various gods, and the great palaces of the kings.

History of Babylon as the world power - 625 - 536.

They declared independence from Assyria in 625. They destroyed Nineveh 613. Then they destroyed Assyria's new capital of Haran in 609. Finally they destroyed the last capital of Assyria and its government once and for all in the battle of Carchemish in 605. They went on to destroy Egypt, Moab, Ammon, Edom, Judah, etc. etc. They ruled from Egypt to the border of Persia.

There was none at that time who threaten them. They not only were the most powerful army of that day but they lived in a secure fortress that could not be entered. Well, that was what they thought.

They fell in one night. The story is variously told but the end is the same. Some say that the Persians diverted the Euphrates river and thus left the moat around the city dry and easy to cross. Others have said that the priests of the old Babylonian religion were so angry with the king that they opened all the gates and let the Persian army walk in. Either way, it was over that quickly and easily.

You have been weighed in the balance and found wanting! God judges the nations. God rules in the kingdoms of men. God raises up kings and overthrows kingdoms. All the nations are but a drop in the bucket when compared to God. It is interesting to see how many different ways God has used to accomplish such destruction of nations and cities. He can accomplish it any way He desires. There is no withstanding His purpose when He has spoken. There is no winning when one is at war with God.