

Whoredom of Judah

Whoredom of Judah Ezekiel 16

The two shall become one flesh. There is no room for a '3rd party' in marriage. Although such is clearly the plan of God for the happiness of mankind, people don't get it. I have been involved in counseling many couples where unfaithfulness and adultery have taken place. It breaks the heart to see the tears, the sorrow, the anguish, the feelings of betrayal and hurt, and yes, the anger. To think of the happy couple on their wedding day and then to see the broken relationship that has been produced breaks the heart. You can only agree with the LORD that such is an abomination.

In Ezekiel 16 God is pictured as the loving, generous, kind husband to Judah. He had 'found' her when she was a discarded child. He took her, provided for her, and protected her. He gave her blessings and a home. He lavished gifts of love upon her. He was a faithful husband to her. He loved her.

She responded to all this with contempt. She sought other lovers. She not only sought them out and freely offered herself to them; she paid THEM for such 'privilege'. She took all the gifts from her husband and gave them to her illicit lovers. She was worse than unfaithful. She was worse than a harlot.

Ezekiel uses the word 'whore' and 'whoredom' to describe such. It is a revolting word but what Judah did was revolting. There is no candy-coating of such an abomination. It is ugly and needs to be seen in all its ugliness.

Of course God is using the picture of marriage as a picture of the relationship between Him and His people. It is an exceedingly apt illustration of the love that should be there. Unfortunately it also is an apt illustration of the unfaithfulness of God's people. Unfaithfulness to God is an ugly business. To be one of God's people and then to 'play the whore' is disgusting.

This picture is also used in the New Testament and God's people today - the church. "… Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. (Eph. 5:25-27).

There is no question about His faithfulness. God is faithful. The question is whether we will be faithful unto Him. Will we keep ourselves for Him and Him only for as long as we shall live? Will we love, honor, and obey Him? OR will we be like unfaithful Judah and turn aside for other 'lovers' and give unto them the love that is due our Lord?

Reading 8/18/13