

The Testimony Concerning Jesus in John 1

Testimony Concerning Jesus In John 1

"Who do people say that I am?" So asked Jesus (Luke 9:18). Reading through just the first chapter of the gospel of John we see some answers. John the Baptist said that He was the son of God (34) and the lamb of God that takes away sin (29). Even though John was older (by months) than Jesus, he said that Jesus 'was before me' (15, 30). As great as John was he professed he was not worthy to untie the straps of Jesus' sandal (27).

Upon hearing this testimony, two of John's disciples leave John and join themselves with Jesus (35-37). They considered Jesus to be their teacher (38). They are so impressed in such a short time that they profess that they have found the Messiah, the Christ (41). Philip confirmed this concept by saying that in Jesus they had found 'him of whom Moses in the Law and also the prophets wrote" (45). Then Nathanael confesses concerning Jesus: "Rabbi, you are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!" (49). Putting this is list form is impressive:

Lamb of God that takes away sin


Greater than John the Baptist

The Rabbi, the teacher to follow.

The Messiah, the Christ, the anointed one of God.

The fulfillment of the Moses and the Prophets.

The king of Israel.

The Son of God.

Jesus also asked:  'Who do YOU say that I am?'   Your eternal wellbeing depends upon how you answer that question. In light of the testimony of those that knew him, what do you say?  Hugh DeLong