

Parables Of The Kingdom Matthew 13

Parables of The Kingdom

Matthew 13 records Jesus' teaching in parables. These are parables - stories told to illustrate a point. These are stories to illustrate the nature of the kingdom of God as the make known the 'secrets of the kingdom'. Such are secret in the sense that most first century people MISSED the nature of the kingdom. Unfortunately, most people since then have also missed it. Here Jesus reveals it to those who are willing to follow Him. The danger in all of our aspects of religion is bringing our preconceived ideas to our study, looking to 'prove' those ideas, and then 'finding' the 'proof'. We then go away knowing nothing more about truth than when we began.

Finding the kingdom is about having good and honest hearts (parable of the sower). The kingdom of God exists in the presence of its enemy (parable of the weeds). The kingdom begins with small beginnings and grows by influence (parable of the Mustard Seed). Finding the kingdom is worth giving up everything else in life (Hidden Treasure / Pearl of Great price). The kingdom of God draws many but not all possess the character of the kingdom people (the Net).

The kingdom of God is the rule and reign of God. He rules over all even though many do not recognize it. He has revealed His will and invited people to live by His will. In His kingdom many worldly ideas are turned upside down. Many people, captivated by the power of darkness, love the darkness and refuse to come to the kingdom of light. Those who enjoy God's reign NOW will enjoy it forever in the very presence of God.

This gospel of the kingdom is about more than just forgiveness of sins, it is about living in the image of God our creator. Being forgiven we begin being 'recreated in the image of God's son'. The old passes away and we are a new creation in Jesus (2Cor. 5:17).  "Therefore every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like a master of a house, who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old" (Matt. 13:52). Does God rule in your life?    Hugh DeLong