

When Treated Wrongfully – Acts 23

When Treated Wrongfully – Acts 23

Jesus warned that his disciples would be treated even as He was treated – wrongfully! (cp. John 15:18-20). While people of the world will declare their love for equity, fairness, and truth, they often ignore all of these and do what they want. Jesus was arrested, tried, convicted, and crucified yet was without guilt. Paul was arrested and would have been put to death if the Romans had not intervened.

Paul was struck by order of the High Priest. Paul declared that such action was against the very law that they were trying to uphold. Such was done by order of the High Priest and in the 'name of religion'. It was still wrong. How does Paul respond to such wrongful treatment?

1.   He did NOT try to avenge himself in striking back in similar fashion.

2. He publicly declares it to be wrong.

3. He publicly declared that those doing it were hypocrites.

4. He left it to God to enact vengeance upon such wrongdoing.

5. He invoked what legal protection he could in order to avoid further wrongful acts against himself.

I believe such is what disciples of Jesus should do in similar situations. Such is a picture of 'turning the other cheek' (cp. Matt. 5:39; Luke 6:29). Such shows the proper respect for authorities, respect for what is right, and the self-control of a godly person.  Hugh DeLong

For further thinking, read Romans 12:17; 13:1-7; 1Pet. 2:13-17.