



The church is the body of Jesus unto the glory of God. The church is thus the eternal purpose of God in order to show forth HIS glory (Eph. 3:11). The church is not an organization or institution but the people who have been saved in Christ hence there is only one body. All who are saved are in the same body and serve the same Lord.

Paul begins by stating that all blessings are in Christ and that all believers share in these same blessings (1:3-14). Paul follows this with one of the great prayers of the bible as he explains how he prays for the saints (1:15-23). He then continues by showing that all people were dead in their sins but now all who trust in Jesus make up one new body of believers (2:1-10). Both Jew and Gentiles are reconciled in one body and now are growing into a holy temple unto the Lord. (2:11-22).

This was not revealed clearly in the Old Testament but such is the eternal purpose of God (ch. 3). Believers then being one body must endeavor to maintain the unity of the Spirit (4:1-16).

At 4:17 we see the application of how the people of God must conduct themselves. We are NOW different and are to be renewed in our very thinking. We put off the old man and put on the new man who is recreated in holiness. This effects all aspects of our lives:  our character (4:25-32), our relationship to the world (5:1-21), our family relationships (5:22- 6:9). We are thrust into the middle of a spiritual battle for our souls so let us equip ourselves as spiritual soldiers and fight with perseverance (6:10-20).

As you read this book notice how often Paul speaks of the glory of God. Notice also the emphasis that is put on the concept of the one body living together in unity. Grasp thoroughly the concept of renewing your whole thinking process (you mind) and how this must result in living live of holiness and righteousness to the glory of God. Understand that our role as believers as enlisted us as soldiers in the great spiritual battle of the ages. This is a battle for the hearts of people: will they love God with all their hearts OR will they be turned to the frivolous pursuit of temporary goals.  Hugh DeLong