

Greatest In The Kingdom - Mark 9

Who Is The Greatest - Mark 9:33-37

"So, what WERE you talking about as we walked today?"  Imagine the embarrassed silence among the apostles. Who is going to speak up and confess? How would the phrase such a confession?

They were 'discussing' which one among them was the greatest. Pride and selfishness are difficult to deal with. Dealing with 'greatness' is always a problem. It tends to be a constantly asked question. Who was the greatest baseball player of all time? Who was the greatest politician of all time? Before we can even begin the debate, we would need to agree upon the standard of measurement. In baseball do we measure home runs, stolen bases, batting average, pitching strikeouts, etc. etc. How do we measure politicians? How do I measure MYSELF?

There of course could have been several suggested answers by the disciples. "Let's just have a fight and the last man standing is the greatest." Let's compare I.Q. test scores? Let's compare our net monetary worth? Let's see who is shortest? [WHY do people think being taller is better?] Greatest WHAT?

We haven't progressed on this spiritual path very far in spite of the fact that it has been 2000 years since Jesus talked about it. We continue to want popularity and recognition. We continue to strive for goals that mean nothing to God. We still put riches, power, popularity, and physical attractiveness on a pedestal and anxiously seek after them.

Jesus simple answer: “If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.” Jesus will again deal with this in chapter 10 saying: "… whoever would be first among you must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:44-45). Jesus served by washing THEIR feet (John 13). Jesus served by putting other's needs ahead of his own (Phil. 2:  ).

"Make me a servant, do what you must do.."  Great hymn. The first thing in making us servants is to humble our pride. Yet it amazing to observe how hard we struggle against this. Whom did you serve today? How did you serve them?   Hugh DeLong