

Galatians and The Law

Galatians and The Law

Paul mentions the law some 32 times in the little book of Galatians. In the first century, they struggled to come to grips with the relationship of the law (of Moses, the old covenant) and the requirements for Christians. Luke specifically stated that some believers were teaching that "Unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved" (Acts 15:1). Paul addresses this issue in head-on in his writing to the Galatians. Here is a summary of his statements:

The law was given for a period – TILL Christ.  Gal. 3:19

The law was given for a purpose – to bring us to Christ.  Gal. 3:24

Now that Christ has come, we are NOT under the law/schoolmaster – Gal. 3:25.

Paul said that through the law he became 'dead to the law' – Gal. 2:19.

One cannot be justified by or through the keeping of the law – Gal. 2:16

If one attempts to add part of the law to the requirements of the New Covenant, he obligates himself to then keep all of the law.  Gal. 5:3

Those who would be (attempt to be, want to be) justified by the law are separated from Christ and fallen from grace. – Gal. 5:4.

To add the requirements of the law to the gospel is to teach a different gospel which is described as a perverted and contrary gospel. Gal.1:6-8.

To preach such a different gospel is to be cursed of God – Gal. 1:8-9

We are free in Christ, let us hold fast the liberty that we have in Him – Gal. 5:1.

Hugh DeLong