

If A Brother Sins – Galatians 6:1

If A Brother Sins – Galatians 6:1

Paul wrote: "Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted" (Galatians 6:1).

We that have believed are all sons of God, and as God's children, we are all brethren. We are to love one another with brotherly love: caring for the welfare of each other. If we don't love each other, then we are lacking love for God (1John 4:8).

As God's children we don't make a practice of sin, but we do on occasion yield to temptation and sin. John warned that is anyone says he doesn't do this, he is a liar and the truth is not in him (1John 1:8).

God placed us together as His children in order that we would be able to help one another. There is no greater need for this than when we see a brother being caught up in sin. Our love for God, for God's righteousness, and for our brother will impel us into action on behalf of this brother. We cannot turn a cold shoulder and ignore him. We cannot just abandon him unto sin and its condemnation.

Paul instructs us to 'restore' such a one. This will involve teaching him that such action is sinful. It will also involve calling him unto repentance. This may involve reproof and rebuke. In all of this we must remember that the goal is to restore such a brother unto a proper relationship with his God. Thus Paul instructs that such restoration is to be done with a spirit of gentleness.

Paul indicates WHO it is that is to go about this work of restoration: those who are spiritual. I think that all of us SHOULD be so spiritually inclined, but not all are. Obviously the brother caught in the trespass in lacking the needed spiritual dimension in his life to do this for someone else.

Who are these spiritual minded ones that can do this? They are the ones who have enough love for their brother that they ARE doing this. They are the ones that love God with all their heart AND their brother as themselves. They are the ones that have learned to hate and fear the effects of sin. Many of us, by not being engaged in this restoration of our brother, are declaring by that very inactivity that we are not the spiritual ones.

Paul adds a grave warning to this whole business. The one trying to help his brother OUT of sin is often led INTO the same sin. I have watched preachers counseling people about marriage problems who then have become engaged in adultery with the very people they are trying to help. Sin is deceptive. Temptation can be that alluring.

If you are the one who has sinned: you can be restored. If you care about your brother who has sinned: help him be restored. If you can see a brother in trouble and not be moved to action: you need to grow up spiritually.   Hugh DeLong