

Romans 1:16-32

Romans 1:16-32

Introduction of Paul and His gospel - 1-7

Paul’s care and concern for them - 8-15

The place and purpose of the Gospel - 16-18

Wrath of God against the gentile world because of iniquity - 19-32


  1. God’s wrath - [THIS is the problem, it is the problem for each man that a. commits sin].
    1. against SIN - 
      1. ALL ungodliness
      2. ALL unrighteousness
  2. The gospel (cp 1-7 above for elements of this gospel)
    1. the power of God  [the power that God uses]
    2. unto salvation
    3. TO everyone
      1. WHO believes
        1. Jews 
        2. Greek
  3. It reveals the righteousness of God
    1. NOT ‘that’ God is righteous, although that too will be expressed…
    2. but HOW man who has sinned can be RIGHTEOUS before God.
      1. cp esp. 3:26
  4. From Faith unto Faith
  5. The righteous shall LIVE by faith.
    1. [The obedience of faith is NOT a one-and-done event.. but a life-long walk with God.]
    2. [Our lives are lived in trust of God. ]