

Who Is Jesus - Colossians 2

Who Is Jesus - Colossians 2

When Jesus asked the apostles: "Who do men say that I am", they gave him a list of wrong answers. Jesus then got specific and asked: "Who do YOU say that I am?"  >From the very beginning people have gotten this wrong. Paul himself got it wrong at first, but the truth was revealed unto Him and he became a Christian.

Even after one is convinced and becomes a Christian, the pressure to change one's views on the very nature and character of Jesus continues. Paul warns in Colossians two that believers need to be steadfast, rooted, built up, and established in their faith in Jesus. Thus he puts forth a series of warnings about being deceived (vs. 8) or beguiled [deluded ESV] (4, 18). These warnings include persuasive arguments (4), philosophies, empty deceptions (8), binding of the Old Covenant (14-17), mysticism and worship of angels (18-19), and asceticism (20-23). All of these are 'religion', but they are all based upon wrong ideas of who Jesus is and what He has done for us.

Who is this Jesus according to Paul? He is the treasure of all wisdom and knowledge (4). In Him dwells all the fullness of Deity bodily (9). Deity – those characteristics of God that constitutes Him as God. Thus, all such characteristics dwell in Jesus. He is thus the head over all rule and authority (10).

Believers then are complete in Him (10). In Him we have been circumcised in heart (11), made alive, forgiven of all our transgressions (13). Having been buried in baptism we have been raised up with Him through faith in the working of God (12). "Therefore, as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him (6).  Hugh DeLong