

The Corinthian church

The Corinthian church

The Corinthians hearing, believed and were baptized into Christ. Thus by the Spirit they were baptized into ONE body. They were washed, sanctified, and justified (cp. 1Cor. 6:9-11), and YET, they had problems. 

They began as we all do, as ‘babes in Christ,’ but they didn’t grow up spiritually. They got sidetracked by pursuing things that were spiritually childish. Growing up is to put off the things of childhood and put on things of maturity. As we read through the letters to the churches it becomes apparent that churches, like the people that make them up, have differing personalities. While all churches had problems being what God wanted for them, they were yet a collection of God’s people. Hence the church at Corinth is 'the church of God that is in Corinth' (1 Cor. 1:2).

As you read through Corinthians you will see that instead of pursuing holiness, righteousness, peace, and godliness they were yet worldly. They were worldly not just about materialism, but of the very attitudes and aspirations of worldly people. They were enamored with teachers. One was embroiled in a public case of incest and the church was complacent and accepting of such relationship. They were yet struggling with greed concerning worldly possessions. Some were struggling with idolatry and others were rather hard-hearted concerning such struggle. They had corrupted the Lord’s supper and in the name of ‘liberty’ abandoned the roles that God had given for men and women. They were puffed up, proud, arrogant and divisive over spiritual gifts thinking that they were for personal aggrandizement instead of building each other up spiritually. Some had begun denying a future resurrection. Wow. 

Through this, Paul did not give up on them as a church and neither did God. Such problems could be overcome but not without difficulty. The biggest difficulty is learning to love God with all their heart and to love each other as brethren. They needed to grow up and take responsibility for their character before God. They needed to consider each other and the needs of the church above their own selfish interests. They needed a healthy dose of the fear of the Lord, which is the true beginning of knowledge (Prov. 1:7). Paul would warn them that they would all stand before the judgment seat of Christ (2Cor. 5:10). Paul warned them that causing division and destroying the body of God’s people would be met by the wrath of God. They needed to realize that they had to come out from such worldly thinking and grow in holiness (2Cor. 6:17-18).

I have often wondered if we would fit right in to this church? Would be stand out as the spiritual light among such people of stunted holiness? Perhaps we would have just given up on such brethren and walked away. Even worse, would we become so disgusted with ‘religious people’ that we lose our faith in God? Being part of God’s people is not always easy. Being part of a group that needs to grow is a challenge - a challenge to not become complacent. Teaching and admonishing brethren when they don’t appreciate it, don’t receive it readily, and don’t appear to be growing is difficult.

1 Corinthians 15:58 — 58 Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain."

Hugh DeLong