

Christians Stink - 2 Corinthians 2

Christians Stink

Christians stink. 2 Cor. 2:14–17 states that we are an aroma that to some is a refreshing fragrance and to others the smell of death. The difference is how they are related to Jesus. 

The Romans made a show out of their conquered enemies. They would have a ‘ticker tape’ parade but people threw flowers in the street instead of paper. The army would parade by, stepping on the strewn flowers and flooding the air with fragrance. In the parade of soldiers would be the captured enemy. Waiting at the end of the parade for him would be a cruel public death. What was a fragrance of victory to the Romans was a fragrance of death for the enemy. 

Christ leads us in a triumphal procession as we spread the knowledge of him everywhere. To those who accept the gracious gift of forgiveness and reconciliation to God, we become a fragrance of life unto life. Not all men (that is, most) will accept the gospel. Those people will simply die in their sins as there is no other way of becoming right with God. 

Often we wonder why so many unbelievers are seemingly obsessed with attacking Christianity and our message. In one sense, it is simply because to them we stink. The message means they have to give up their works of darkness and they love darkness more than light. Our message not only reminds them that such lifestyle is death, but it specifically states it. “The soul that sins shall die” - “the wages of sin is death” (Ezek. 18:20 and Rom. 6:23). 

This message that proclaims life to believers also pronounces death to those who are ungodly. We all have the freedom however to chose which side we are on. Even while being ‘led to death’ we can repent and gain victory over our sins. 

In this way, Christians stink - but we stink good.  Which side are you standing with?    Hugh DeLong