

The Man of Sin - 2 Thess. 2

The Man of Sin - 2 Thess. 2

In 2 Thessalonians chapter two Paul writes about some things that are difficult to identify with complete assurance. There are things that he had told these brethren in person that we have no understanding of (cp. vs. 5). Much ink has been used to write opinions of who, what, and when this ‘individual’ will appear. Most of this writing is just speculative error. To me there is an easy way of dealing with this in my personal life: Jesus wins. Jesus is Lord. Jesus has all authority in heaven and upon earth. Jesus is king of kings. Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord. I will serve Jesus as my king. 

About these things, do not be deceived. Hence Paul draws several conclusions at the end of this chapter. People get lost in their speculation about the first part and end up being deceived about how to live for Christ. 

We are God’s people, chosen as first-fruits. We are saved in Jesus. He called us by the gospel and we responded in obedient faith. We thus were sanctified (set apart unto God). 

THEREFORE, we are to stand firm in the teachings of Jesus as they were revealed by His apostles and prophets (cp. Matt. 28:18-19). This may be easier said than done, especially when persecution raises its ugly head. The church in Thessalonica was in fact experiencing such persecution by the ungodly. They were to be assured that such persecution by the ungodly did NOT indicate that they were ‘cursed of God’ but rather that they were God’s people. The righteous have been persecuted by the ungodly since the days of Cain and Able. 

As you read this chapter, do you spend more time speculating on identifying the ‘man of sin’ or on being faithful to the Lord’s calling? If you are wrong about your thinking on the man of sin, you can still be right with God through the sacrifice of Jesus. If you however are wrong in your faithfulness to live before Him in righteousness, faithfulness, and holiness, you are in trouble. Be not deceived!  Hugh DeLong