Jesus Has Emotions - Mark 3
Jesus Has Emotions - Mark 3
The Gospel of Mark records much concerning the very character and being of Jesus and part of that was His emotional response to people. Towards the leper who came seeking to be healed, He was moved with pity (1:40-42). When His disciples rebuked the people for bringing children to Him, He was indignant towards them (10:13-16). When the rich young ruler said that he had kept the commandments from his youth up, Jesus, looking at him, loved him (10:17-22). In the synagogue Jesus confronted the Jewish rulers and ‘He looked around at them with anger, grieved at their hardness of heart” (3:5). Then as His arrest and crucifixion drew nigh, he took with him Peter and James and John, and began to be greatly distressed and troubled. And he said to them, “My soul is very sorrowful, even to death. Remain here and watch” (14:33-34).
Jesus was not unemotional. He responded with feeling towards the people He encountered. Such emotions are not just an aspect of being ‘human’, for even God loves, is grieved at our sin, is angry at ungodliness, and rejoices when people repent and return unto Him. My understanding is that part of our being in the image of God is the having such emotions.
What is interesting to me is that while Jesus displayed the same emotions that we all have, He did so without sin. He acted by principle and not by emotion. He did that which was right and correct. I find it interesting that he was angry and grieved over people who had a hard heart towards God.
Jesus does have emotions towards us. Is he grieved and angry with you? Or are you abiding in His love? (cp. John 15:9-10). Hugh DeLong