

You Must Testify Also In Rome - Acts 23:11

So you must testify also in Rome - Acts 23:11

While Paul is under arrest by the Romans in Jerusalem, God makes him this promise: "The following night the Lord stood by him and said, “Take courage, for as you have testified to the facts about me in Jerusalem, so you must testify also in Rome" (Acts 23:11). HOW will Paul get to Rome? He was not told, but it is an interesting journey!

  • The next verse informs us that the Jewish opposition made plans to kill him. 
  • Paul informs the Roman soldiers and thus, seeking protection from this plot, is rescued by them.
  • He defended himself before Felix, then Festus, and then Agrippa II.
  • During this time he was left imprisoned for over 2 years (24:27).
  • Paul REFUSED to pay money to be released by the corrupt Felix.
  • He appeals unto Caesar; making use of his Roman citizenship and Roman law.
  • He is taken by boat across the Mediterranean and survives a great storm and shipwreck.
  • He is bitten by a snake and suffers no harm.
  • Finally, true to God’s word, Paul arrives in Rome and testifies concerning Jesus.

We often sing the song “In His Time”; perhaps we need one that says “In His WAY”. God is faithful to His promises, for God is faithful. God doesn’t always work things out the way men would like or think. Trying to discern the ‘why’ and the ‘wherefore’ of God’s workings is often futile, particularly WHILE things are working out. It would have been easy for Paul to think that God had abandoned him. It would have been easy to bribe Felix and go free. Paul didn’t.

Many make the mistake of not pursuing what options that do have as they struggle against situations. Many would not have appealed to the Roman guards or to Caesar, thinking that they would instead trust in God. Many would have paid the bribe unto Felix and gone free. 

We need to trust in God while doing right. We need to live in all good conscience as we struggle with God’s promises. We need to use what strength and resources we have that are right, and put our trust in God to keep His word. As Peter wrote: "Therefore let those who suffer according to God’s will entrust their souls to a faithful Creator while doing good" (1Pet. 4:19).  Hugh DeLong