

Dealing With Problems of Life

Dealing with Problems of Life

Our reading today takes us through Psalms 6, 8-10, 14, 16, 19, and 21.

David, though a man after God's heart, was a man of many troubles. Much of David's troubles are simply that which is common to man. Other troubles come from the ungodly actions of men that affect his life. Yet other trouble comes because of David's own failures and sins. Life is like that: it not only rains on the just and unjust, but trouble finds its way into everyone's life.

David acknowledges his troubles to God (Ps. 6; 10:1). Yes, God already knows, but David yet 'lets his requests be known unto God' and 'casts his cares upon God' knowing that God cares for him. In doing this, David is willing talk about his lack of understanding of why things are presently working out this way.

David acknowledges God yet RULES. He rules over heaven and earth. He sits in judgment upon men (Ps. 9:7-8; 10:16).

David acknowledges God is righteous, just, fair, dependable, faithful, and gracious. In times of trouble and questions, WE need to remind ourselves of what we know about God. Our doubts and questions must stand in contrast with our trust and confidence.  (cp. Ps. 9:7-8, etc.)

David declares that there is no doubt of God's existence and character. Only the fool would deny this (Ps. 19; 14:1). The heavens declare this perpetually and universally.

David acknowledges the place of God's word in his life (Ps. 19:7-11).

David, though starting out perplexed about life and its troubles, is able to come to a confident position of trust in God bringing things to a righteous conclusion (Ps. 16:8-9)

David praises God and exhorts the rest of mankind to join him (Ps. 9:1-2).

"O Lord, our Lord, How majestic is Your name in all the earth, Who have displayed Your splendor above the heavens!"

Hugh DeLong