

God Hates Peanut Butter - Psalm 50

God Hates Peanut Butter - Psalm 50

After listing some of the sins of the people, the Psalms quotes God as saying:

"“These things you have done and I kept silence; You thought that I was just like you; I will reprove you and state the case in order before your eyes." (Psalm 50:21).

While it is true that we, as humans, were created in the image of God, it is also true that through sin we have distorted and deformed our image. Now, we must, through Christ, be renewed into His image. Yet, so many people live with the old ruined image and think that God is like them. This leads to some wrong conclusions.

God hates peanut butter.

I am a logical and good person.

God is a logical and good being.

I don't like peanut butter.

Therefore, God doesn't like peanut butter.

The problem simply is that I am NOT only NOT God, I fall far short of God's character. It is still true that God's thoughts are NOT my thoughts, and God's ways are NOT my ways (Isa. 55:8-9). It is still true that, apart from God's revelation thru Jesus, man is unable to direct his own steps successfully (Jer. 10:23). God's wisdom is still far above man's thoughts, for even the foolishness of God i wiser than the thoughts of man (1Cor. 1:25). It is still true that we do not know the mind of God unless we go by what He has revealed to us (1 Cor. 2:11).

As our country deals with moral issues, we see this played out again and again. What MEN find acceptable is thus said to be acceptable unto God. We base such acceptability upon men's reasoning, 'studies', etc. Approving of fornication, adultery, drunkenness, homosexuality, or any other moral issue is not the same as liking or disliking peanut butter! The consequences of our moral decisions are the difference between eternal life and eternal condemnation.

To walk with God is to let His word be our standard of judgment (Psalm 119). To walk with Christ is to let His word dwell in us richly (Col. 3:16). To walk by faith is to walk according to His direction. To be His disciple, we are to follow His teaching (Matt. 28:18-19). To be like Christ, we must walk as He walked (1John 1:   ).

Are you changing YOUR image into a likeness of God, or are you changing God's image to your own ideas and values?  Hugh DeLong