

Being Righteous In Dark Days

Being Righteous In Dark Days

In our reading today, (Psalms 5, 38, 41-42), we see the turmoil in David's mind as he faces crises after crises as king. Rebellion, plots, charges, and lies are all aimed at him. How does he keep his faith in God?

He takes all of these things to God in prayer. These psalms are a record of David's prayers to God. They are our window into the very heart and mind of David while he is suffering at the hands of his enemies.

He freely acknowledged what he HAS done wrong - his sins and transgressions. Yet, he also does not allow false accusations to be thought of as 'true'. There is a real difference between what he DID and what he is accused of!

He has a firm foundation of God's true character and repeats these traits to himself as he prays. Notice in particular his characterization of God in Psalm 5:

For you are not a God who delights in wickedness;

evil may not dwell with you.

The boastful shall not stand before your eyes;

you hate all evildoers.

He does not allow the evil deeds of men to become his foundation upon which to think of God. He does not blame God for the evils of men!

He continues to strive to live a godly life that is in accord with his prayers and understanding of God.

How do we handle such situations in our lives? Do we become angry at God and blame God for bringing such evil into our lives? Do we hide our sins and have a pity-party to 'console' ourselves? Do we turn in confession and petition to God? Do we trust that God will be righteous in all His dealing with men? Do we long for a closer relationship with our God? David did. Hugh DeLong