

Luke 12 - Seek Ye First

Luke 12 - Seek Ye First

In Luke 12 we find Jesus speaking to the large crowds that gathered around Him. It is interesting to me to see the ‘subjects’ that Jesus chooses to spend his time talking about. Life in the first century for the majority of people was difficult. It is so foreign to US that most of us just ignore this aspect in our attempt to understand the teaching of Jesus. Providing the necessities of life, let alone any ‘extras’, filled up the day for most people. Yet in such a setting, Jesus chooses to speak about God, religion, and the importance of our character as it pertains to our relationship with God. He discusses hypocrisy and judgment. He speaks about eternity and hell. He speaks of the importance of deciding what you think about Jesus himself. 

NOW, in the middle of such a serious religious discussion, someone wants Jesus to sit in earthly judgment concerning ‘his earthly inheritance’. He interrupts Jesus: “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me” (vs. 13). It looks to me like his heart, his mind, his thinking are NOT on the subject Jesus chooses to speak about, but rather upon earthly riches. 

This brings yet another series of thoughts from Jesus concerning the danger of worldliness. He finishes his story of the rich fool by warning that “so is the one who is rich in this world and NOT rich towards God” (vs. 21). He admonishes us to not seek the things of this life but rather to seek HIS kingdom (29-31). Jesus states rather bluntly that "where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (34).

In one sense, it is hard to fathom someone sitting in the presence of Jesus and listening to him speak of God, righteousness, hell, and eternity; and having his mind upon his earthly inheritance. How could someone be so worldly? Easy, people do it all the time. In the middle of our own worship we can find ourselves thinking about such worldly problems. 

Where your heart is tells you what you treasure! What your heart treasures is what you seek after in life. What you are seeking for is what consumes our thinking. What do you think about when there is nothing demanding your attention? 

Hugh DeLong