

Ready to Hear - Acts 10

Ready to Hear - Acts 10


The more you think about Cornelius, the more you have to like the man. Just listing the things the scripture tells about this gentile Roman occupation army officer is impressive:


A devout man, a god-fearer, generous in giving, continual praying, of good reputation even among those he ‘ruled’ over, and obedient. When instructed to send for Peter, he did so immediately (Acts 10:33). When Peter arrives, Cornelius is ready to “hear all that you have been commanded by the Lord”. While he may have been an ‘alien sinner’, i.e., not yet a convert to Jesus, he was NOT a ‘rebellious sinner’. He is doing what he knows! When he learns or hears something else, he obeys. Now, he is ready to hear what Jesus has said.


Peter then “ordered them to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ” (Acts 10:48). Even as good a man as he was, Cornelius needed to hear words whereby he could be saved. Now that he has heard, what do you think he did? I have no doubt that he immediately arose and was baptized in the name of Jesus. Peter, the SAME Peter as in Acts 2, said that baptism in the name of Jesus was ‘for the remission of sins’. Now, we see that it is commanded to one that desires to hear what the Lord commands. 


What would you have done if you were Cornelius? 


Hugh DeLong