

Focusing On The Wrong Thing – Matt. 26:6-13

Focusing On The Wrong Thing – Matt. 26:6-13 

This anointing of Jesus is recorded by Matthew (chapter 26), Mark (chapter 14), and John (chapter 12).  Here, in combining the stories, we learn:

It was 6 days before the Passover (John), in Bethany at the house of Simon the leper (Matthew). Mary, Martha, and Lazarus were there among the other guests (John). Mary brought an alabaster vial of very costly perfume, pure nard. This was worth 300 denarii (Mark). IF a denarius was worth the wage of a common days labor, and today one earns $20 an hour and works 10 hours a day, 300 days would be worth $60,000. Hence it could have been sold “for a high price” indeed.  Mary came and poured it over the head of Jesus (Matt. And Mark), and also anointed His feet (John). The disciples (Matt. & Mark), but especially Judas (John), were indignant and were scolding Mary for such ‘waste’ (Mark).

The disciples saw a waste of money. Jesus saw an act of love that was preparing Him for his upcoming death, burial, and resurrection (Matt, Mark, and John).  Money is an easy thing to get distracted by, even if you are an apostle! The death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus is THE event that changes everything about life.

How often does life get in the way of eternal life? How often do we let the cares of this world choke out the word of eternal life? How often do the storms of life draw our attention away from Jesus? How many people set their affection on things of the here and now instead of upon Jesus?  Yet, I can’t help but be embarrassed to think what I would have focused on if I were with the disciples during that dinner. What would you have been thinking?  

Hugh DeLong