

Heard Learned Understood Walk – Col. 1

Heard Learned Understood Walk – Col. 1

In Colossians 1:3-12 we have one very long, involved sentence in the NASB95 translation. At the heart of this sentence is the conversion experience of these disciples. They HEARD the gospel, the word of truth (verses 5,6), they learned it (vs. 7), they understood it (vs. 6), and were now walking in a manner worthy of the Lord.

Heard: The Gospel was revealed and proclaimed. It had its beginning in an oral tradition, then was written down. Such ‘hearing’ involved the faithful telling of God’s message. This involves teaching in such a way as to affect the mind, hence they ‘reasoned’ (see Acts 17:2, 17; 18:4, 19; 19:8, 9; etc.). They took the time not only to proclaim, but to show, explain, give evidence, and reason. In our study of the gospels and Acts, we need to absorb the teaching methods and principals of Jesus and His apostles.

Learned: Teaching is a two-way proposition. “What did you teach them today?” “Well, I know what I TAUGHT, but I am not sure what they LEARNED”. For most of us, such learning is ‘an accumulation’. It involves not only the hearing, but ‘chewing on’ (rumination, mediation, consideration). Thus we see such admonitions: “Consider Jesus...”; “Think on these things…”; etc. It begins with a basic grounding in facts and progresses to the changing of our character.

Understand: With such learning comes understanding. Actually, there are LOTS of specifics here, the nature of God, the person of Jesus, the purpose of His death and resurrection, my response to such truth. Such involves the assimilation of such knowledge, the understanding not only of the words but the actual concepts involved. Again, this involves serious consideration, meditation, and contemplation. We need to take time out of our very busy schedules and THINK.

Wisdom: The learning and understanding of God’s truth lead to wisdom. This involves the actual application of such knowledge. It is the ability to not only know the difference between good and evil but the ability to choose the best means to accomplish the best ends. Not all things that are legal are wise in all circumstances.  Thus, Paul prayed that they would be “filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding” (vs. 9).

Walk: Having heard, learned, understood, and being filled with wisdom from above, they could then walk in a manner worthy of the Lord (10). Again we see the before and after concept of the gospel. Before, they walked in their own way only to die in sin. NOW, they walk by the revealed wisdom of God and please Him.

Bear Fruit and GROW: A godly life is one that produces the fruit of righteousness. The fruit is the proof of character. Such fruit-bearing is also a growing experience as it produces even more fruit. We should be better (more godly, more mature, more spiritual) this year than last, but we should be even more so NEXT YEAR.

The question is simply: does this describe your experience with the Gospel?    

Hugh DeLong