

It is a fearful thing - Genesis 28:16-17

It is a fearful thing - Genesis 28:16-17

Here in Genesis 28 Jacob encounters God. His response? “He was afraid and said, "How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven." (Genesis 28:17)

Wenham observed that “Throughout Scripture the encounter with God brings fear; when sinful man meets the holy God, he is overawed and often becomes acutely conscious of his sin and unworthiness to stand in the divine presence (3:10; Exod. 3:6; 20:15(18); Judg 6:23; 13:22).” (Wenham, WBC Vol. 2, Genesis, p. 223).

Don’t you tire of the bluster of people who speak about what they will tell God when they see him! As if they will ‘put the fear of God in God”. As if they “will put God in His place.” NO! The reality of the picture is that they will fall on their face and realize their utter helplessness and their own conscience will pronounce them guilty of sin. As the response of Isaiah to the vision of God: “Woe is me, for I am ruined! Because I am a man of unclean lips…” (Isa. 6:5  ).

For the faithful followers of Jesus, there is a different ending. We don’t have to face God alone. We have an advocate, a mediator, a friend. Through Him and because of Him we will find acceptance with God. We have been reconciled, redeemed, forgiven. We are now the children of God waiting to enter into the very presence of our Father.

Jacob’s response: he arose and worshipped God and vowed that God would be his God, i.e., that he would serve GOD (Gen. 28:18-21).

What will it be for you on the great day of judgment? 

Hugh DeLong