

David Trusted God and Fled From Saul

David Trusted God and Fled From Saul

We are often presented with the horns of a dilemma when in fact there is another choice OR the two ‘horns’ are not mutually exclusive of each other. Such is the case here, trusting in the LORD does not mean that one shouldn’t exercise due caution and safe practices.

Throughout the book of 1 Samuel, we watch as David flees, hides, gets warnings, etc. At the same time, we read in the Psalms how he trusts the LORD to protect and deliver him.

We trust God to provide, yet we are instructed to work so we may eat.

We trust God to protect and heal, yet Jesus instructed that those who are sick need a physician.

We in fact do many such things in order to provide and protect ourselves, yet at the same time, like David, we can trust in God. Such trust is not to throw all caution to the wind, let alone put God to the test to see if He will be faithful to His promises (cp. Jesus and the temptation – Matt. 4:5-7).

While the two ideas are not mutually exclusive, we also must be careful to balance them in our lives. We unfortunately do not always get the balance right, and hence we seem to constantly be readjusting things. So be it. Make the adjustment.

Knowing this about ourselves, let us use kindness and forbearance in our assessment (judgment?) of how others are trying to balance these two concepts. What would you have said to David when he was playing the drooling idiot before the Philistines?   

Hugh DeLong