

David’s Character - 2 Samuel

David’s Character - 2 Samuel

As we read 2 Samuel, we have the record of David as King. Here is a young man who has gone from a mere shepherd to the most powerful man in the kingdom. He has already displayed his character in many ways: his great faith in fighting Goliath, his great faithfulness in NOT killing Saul when he had the opportunity, his consideration for those who were ‘weak’ as he shared the spoils with those who could not fight, etc. Yet, one of the great tests of character is how you treat those who have mistreated you, especially when it is in your power to enact revenge.

While David not only refused to kill Saul because Saul was God’s chosen king, David did avenge those who did. Yet, now there are those who reject him as their king. Most kings of that day would have solidified their position by killing all of the previous dynasty – all of Saul’s linage. David does not. Most kings would have slain all those who opposed him as king, David does not.

Look for this character trait as David rules as king. What would we have done? How do we treat others when we have been mistreated and then come into a position of ‘power’ where we can ‘get even’? How do we treat those who are weak when we are strong? We need more people like David – people after God’s heart and not their own. 

Hugh DeLong