

Satan in Job

Satan in Job

We get one of the rare peeks into the spiritual realm as we open up the book of Job. To many, the surprising thing is to see Satan appearing in the very presence of God and having a conversation about a particular person. We are given some insight into the person and character of Satan.

He is called 'Satan', meaning "adversary, one who withstands". True to such name, he is shown to be the real adversary of Job. (cp. 1 Peter 5:8,

He is 'The accuser' - for he accuses Job unjustly before God. Thus, later he is given this label (Rev. 12:10).

He is the 'Slanderer ';  as he slanders the good name of Job.

We see him as a 'roaring lion that seeks to devour ' as his intentions and desires for Job were all evil (cp. 1 Peter 5:8)

YET, he is not God, not even 'a god', and certainly not the second half of a dualistic system of good versus evil.

He is under the authority of God. We see God limiting what Satan can do to Job.

YET, he is shown to be powerful. It is interesting that he, even here in the beginning, uses people and circumstances to bring about temptation. He is behind the storms, the attacks of evil men, the financial ruin of Job, and even the devastating illness of Job. We are never informed HOW he is able to use and orchestrate such things.

He is NOT omnipotent. It is GOD that created all things. It is by God's word that all things continue.

Several observations that I would make:

We are to not be ignorant of 'his devices'.

We are to beware of the fact that he is and he seeks to destroy us.

We CAN withstand and resist him.

We overcome by our steadfast faith. Such faith that overcomes encompasses both WHAT we believe and our trust in God.

The END of Satan has been declared and will come to pass: Matt. 25:41; Rev. 20:10.

As with the book of Job, this is just a peek into the person and activities of the evil one. In spite of all the sugarcoated lies he presents, he is not our friend; he does not seek (nor want) our wellbeing. He desires our destruction and alienation from our God. Truly, he is our adversary, Satan.

I often wonder, if Job had been aware of these opening events, how would that have changed his response to what happened to him? Well, while we do not know the answer to that question, we do know that WE have been made aware of these opening events in heaven. How are you doing in your resisting him? 

Hugh DeLong