

Luke 21 - Destruction of the Temple and Jerusalem

Luke 21 - Destruction of the Temple and Jerusalem

This passage in Luke 21 has been argued over many times. Does it speak of the destruction of the temple and the city in AD 70 by the Romans OR is it speaking of a yet future destruction? If we try and make it of a future destruction, then we have to speak NOT of the temple of Jesus' day but of a rebuilt temple, which at this point is really the building of a completely different temple. Such a temple would be rather pointless if there were no priesthood. Making such a temple relevant would require the reestablishment of an earthly Aaronic priesthood. Along with this, there would have to be a reestablishment of animal sacrifices to be offered in such a temple. This of course is all built upon the idea that fleshly Israel is yet the center of God’s purpose and plan.

I simply don’t see any of that as viable. The followers of Jesus are the true Israel. Even us gentiles have become the sons of Abraham and the heirs of the promise by virtue of our becoming disciples (Gal. 3:26-29). Speaking to the church Paul wrote that WE are the true circumcision that worship by the Spirit of God and glory in Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh (Phil. 3:3). Such circumcision is made without hands and is done by God when we (both Jew and Gentile) were baptized in the name of Jesus (Col. 2:10-13). The old priesthood has been fulfilled and taken away, replaced by the High Priest who serves forever in the very presence of God in heaven. The animal sacrifices for the atonement of sins has forever been set aside as the true sacrifice of Jesus has forever become sufficient for the remission of sins. 

Hence, I understand this passage to be Jesus speaking about the THEN coming destruction of that CURRENT temple and the punishment upon fleshly unbelieving Israel for their rejection of Jesus as the Messiah. It is bracketed by asking about THIS temple (which they were then observing) and Jesus assurance that ALL of THESE things would happen to THAT GENERATION. Because of that nature of warfare in the 1st century, an attack upon the city would be devastating to those who were unable to flee the city or if the invasion began during the winter months. Neither of those situations makes any difference concerning the second coming of Jesus. 

The problem for most in understanding this passage has to do with the statements in verses 25-27 which seem to US in 21st century American society as ‘cataclysmic events’. Yet, those familiar with Old Testament prophetic language would have seen this as the language of the overthrow of a nation. The Son of Man coming in a cloud is also from Old Testament language that speaks of ‘God coming in judgment upon the clouds’.

There was a major shift coming. God’s people are no longer JUST those who are physical descendants of Abraham. The temple is the people of God and NOT a physical temple in Jerusalem. God’s center of worship is in the assembly of His people and not in a particular earthly city. Such change was the end of the Old Covenant and the old commonwealth of Israel.   

Hugh DeLong