

That Didn’t Take Long

That Didn’t Take Long

Reading the gospel of Mark is an experience of excitement. And then, and then, and then… We have learned about John the Baptist, Jesus baptism, preaching in the synagogues, and making disciples. We have heard the demons proclaim him to be the Son of God. We learned that God the Father proclaimed him to be My beloved Son in whom He was well-pleased. He healed the paralytic and forgave his sins. He commanded the demons and they obeyed Him. He healed the crowds that gathered around him. All of this in two chapters! But we are not done yet.

With all of this (and more for Mark hasn’t told us everything that went on in those early days of Jesus’ preaching), it caused a division among the people. While some repented, others hardened their hearts against Jesus! Their anger against this Jesus caused them to even join forces with the Herodians to plot against Him! These two groups normally were in two different groups with conflicting agendas: the Herodians backing the kingship of the Herod family and the Pharisees advocating as ‘separationist policy’. Yet, this Jesus has caused some ‘strange bed-fellows’!

So it is even today. Some, upon reading this story of Jesus, are pricked in their heart and turn to Him to be reconciled unto God. Others, with hardened hearts, reject Him and walk away. This appears as group activities, but in reality, it happens person by person. It now has come to you! What will you do with Jesus? 

Hugh DeLong