

Kingdom Taken From You - Luke 20

Kingdom Taken From You - Luke 20

As Jesus was teaching the people, the chief priests and the scribes with the elders came and challenged his authority to teach. By asking them a question, Jesus showed that they were not seeking truth or God's kingdom. This prompted Him to tell the parable of the wicked tenants. This parable ends with the King coming, destroying those tenants, and giving the vineyard to others (vs. 16).

The scribes and the chief priests perceived that he had told this parable against them, and so it was (vs. 19). They had rejected God's son. They had rejected the 'chief cornerstone'. Now they would be called to account. They would find themselves rejected from the kingdom while those who accepted Jesus would be ushered in.

Not all of the Jews were excluded from the kingdom, only those who rejected Jesus. Peter, Andrew, James, John, the 3000 on Pentecost, etc., they ALL were translated into the Kingdom of God's dear son (Col. 1:13); not only these Jewish believers, but ALL believers.

God did not take the kingdom from the Jewish people and give it to the Gentile people. God took it from the unbelieving Jewish people and gave it unto ALL who believe in Jesus.

Are you one of those who the kingdom has been 'given to'? Are you trusting in Jesus? Are you seeking FIRST in your life the kingdom of God and His righteousness? (Matt. 6:33).

The offer is open unto all, but few there are who will accept it. 

Hugh DeLong