

God's Righteous Judgment - Romans 2

God's Righteous Judgment - Romans 2

There is a coming judgment for all men. It is appointed for man once to die and then the judgment (Heb. 9:27). Paul writes of this judgment and gives us some solid principles upon which it will be done.

There will be a judgment (2:2). God holds us accountable for the life that we live and the deeds that we do. There simply is no escaping.

Judgment will be universal (2:6). God will render to EVERYMAN according to his deeds.

It will be according to righteousness and hence it is the righteous judgment of God (2:5). This includes the wrath of God against all evil doing of men. Being righteous God will not overlook or ignore our sins.

Judgment will be according to truth (2:2). Truth basically is that which accords with reality. Judgment will not be according to appearance but according to truth. We will not be judged on the basis of innuendo or gossip. We will not answer for trumped up charges. It will be according to truth.

Hence this judgment will be fair, equitable, and without partiality (2:11).  We cannot bribe our way out of condemnation for God is neither partial NOR does He take bribes (Deut. 10:17). I will not be granted favors and special treatment because of who I am, what country I live in, what century I live in, or what my ethnicity is. God will judge fairly.

Judgment will be complete in that it not only judges men's actions but takes into account their 'secrets' (2:16). God knows the very thoughts and purposes of the heart. God know the opportunities and thus the responsibilities of each man. God knows the circumstances, the problems, the strengths, and the weaknesses of each of us.

Paul's point of this discussion is that all will be fairly, impartially, righteously, and completely judged. The Gentiles will be judged for their sin against the knowledge that they had. The Jews, though privileged with the law of Moses, will be judged for their sin against the knowledge they had.

Knowing all of the above, and knowing my own life, I don't stand a chance; EXCEPT that through Jesus I am forgiven. Though I have sinned, in Jesus I am saved from the wrath of God, justified, and reconciled (5:8-10). There is no other name whereby I could be forgiven. There is no other sacrifice for sin apart from His. There is no other mediator to be with me. No wonder we sing: Jesus is all the world to me, my life, my joy, my all. 

Hugh DeLong