

Foolish Virgins - Matthew 25

Foolish Virgins - Matthew 25

Jesus tells a group of parables emphasizing the need for preparedness of God's people. The first parable speaks of the wise and foolish virgins who were waiting for the bridegroom to return with his new bride. The foolish were called "foolish" simply because they were unprepared for the coming.

There was no reason (excuse) for such lack of preparation. They SHOULD have been prepared. They COULD have been prepared. They KNEW he was coming. While they did not know the exact time of his coming, they did know it could be anytime.

If he came in daylight hours things would have been different, but he did not. The first century was a world 'lit by fire'. People lived in darkness when the sun went down. It is difficult for us moderns to realize how dark the world would have been. To not have oil in your lamps was no small oversight.

What excuses do you think they made during the day for NOT making sure they had oil in their lamps? Need to have my nails done? Need to get my hair done? Must read all the Facebook posts? It may have been something more important such as all of the domestic duties that are needed everyday by everyone. Whatever - they were unprepared! There were no mulligans. There were no do-overs. There was no second chance.

We are to be prepared for the coming of our Lord. Our preparation is to be children of light (cp. Eph. 5:8). We are preparing ourselves to live in the presence of God. Our preparation includes the conforming ourselves into the very image of Christ (Romans 8:29; 2 Cor. 3:18; Col. 3:10).  Our preparation is to "cleanse ourselves from every defilement of body and spirit, bringing holiness to completion in the fear of God" (2Cor. 7:1).

"Be on the alert then, for you do not know the day nor the hour" (Matt. 25:13).

A daily question: Am I Prepared? Are you?

Hugh DeLong