

Love Is - 1 Cor. 13

Love Is - 1 Cor. 13

Being a member of the local body of believers can be difficult. The Corinthian church is an example of the many things that can go wrong in such a relationship. Paul writes of the oneness of the body in chapter 12, and then begins chapter 13 saying: "I will show you a better way." This better way is built upon loving one another. Jesus commanded that we love one another (John 13:34-35; 15:12, 17). Paul commanded that we love one another (Rom. 12:10). Peter commanded that we love one another (1Pet. 1:22; 4:8). John commanded that we love one another (1John 4:7,11). In chapter 13, Paul draws us a word picture of what this looks like.

While attending a class some years ago, I was presented with an idea that has stuck with me - make this personal! To do so is simply to take each statement, preface with your name, and end it with an action you do.

·       Hugh is patient because he

·       Hugh is kind because he

·       Hugh is not jealous in that he

·       Hugh does not brag as seen when he

·       Hugh is not arrogant because he

·       Hugh does not act unbecomingly because he

·       Hugh does not seek his own good because he

·       Hugh is not easily provoked as seen when he

·       Hugh does not take into account a wrong suffered as seen when he

·       Hugh does not rejoice in unrighteousness as demonstrated when he

·       Hugh rejoices with truth as when he

·       Hugh bears all things as proven when he

·       Hugh believes all things as seen when he

·       Hugh hopes all things as he demonstrated when he

·       Hugh endures all things as when he

This is truly a humbling exercise for most of us. Some sentences are difficult to complete. Try it. Can your brethren complete these sentences?    

Hugh DeLong